Dankombuwa Bee Keeping - Training Session

Dankombuwa Bee Keeping - Training Session

04 Nov

Dankombuwa Bee Keeping - Training Session

A training session was recently held to teach participants how to transfer an existing hive to a bee box. Approximately 10-15 people attended and were familiarized with the process, which was practically oriented.

To ensure the safety and comfort of the beekeepers involved, each participant was provided with a hat, face mask and smoker. Notably, the majority of the participants were women, highlighting the inclusive nature of the training.

The training was followed by a theoretical presentation emphasizing the importance of bees and their role in the environment. This knowledge-sharing initiative aimed to deepen understanding of the vital role bees play in our ecosystem.

As part of the training, participants were provided with record books to help them document information about their bee colonies. This theoretical presentation provided an insight into effective record keeping practices.

Looking ahead, there are plans to extend this awareness to the younger generation. On 24 January, a presentation will be given at the local school to educate children about the importance of bees and the environment. This initiative underlines the importance of promoting environmental awareness among the youth of the community.

Ruk Rakaganno

By Ruk Rakaganno

Ruk Rakaganno is a volunteer based, non-governmental organization founded in 1975 implementing hands-on projects to conserve nature and advocate to protect and conserve the environment.